Selasa, 24 November 2009

Happy Turdoctadognettes Everyone!!!

MMMMMMmmmmmm Turducken- the good ol' fashioned turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken. But wait there's more! Over the years Phleming and I have added many a tasty treat to this recipe, at one time there were even co-workers stuffed inside. I believe it was "turducrevertdoctordogen" Unfortunately, revert is not available every year so we had to narrow it down and settle on the most complimentary of ingredients- turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken stuffed with octopus shaped hot dogs stuffed with Donettes because let's face it... whilst turkey stuffed with co-workers is delicious... everything is better stuffed with Donettes! Hope everyone has a lovely helping of Turdoctadognettes this week! Have a nice "trip"tophan, see you next Tuesday, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

(click the picture for glorious full-screen deliciousness)

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