Kamis, 31 Desember 2009
Happy New Year 2010 !!~~
Happy New Year 2010 !!~~
We are ready to rock with this line... the armour will be available within next 20 days...a sonic boom is not only the name of the recent KISS cd & tour...but a name given when the sound barrier has been broken...causing what is known as a SONIC BOOM ...that fits us exactly...we have made alot of noise over the past few years...and now we give you...SONIC BOOM SHELLS!
Final Fantasy X: Rikku 02
This is probably my last post for the year 2009, so lets make it... cute!
Rikku, the bilingual, 15-year-old Al Bhed, is a talented theif who is somewhat childish, but also very cheerful and optimistic. She loves her cousin Yuna dearly and wishes to stop her from going through with her pilgrimage. She also informs Tidus of Yuna's fate when she summons her Final Aeon.
So cute this Yuna! And intersting shoes I might add. I really like her outfit in X more than X-2. Awesome work!
Rabu, 30 Desember 2009
Senin, 28 Desember 2009
Kaze Cosplay
"Soy muy, demasiada tímida cuando no me conocen. Si me llegan a conocer se darán cuenta de que soy molestosa, gritona y a veces puedo llegar a ser baka xD"

Shana - Shakugan no Shana
Nick: Kaze
Nacionalidad: Taiwanesa
Ocupación: Estudiante de Medicina
Edad: -
Cumpleaños: 9 de Junio
Estatura: 1.60 aproximadamente
Colores favoritos: Verde, rosado y amarillo.
Libro favorito: Virtudes familiares y Chocolate caliente para el alma de los adolescentes.
Película favorita: My Sassy Girl, casi todas las pelis de Disney me gustan, se destaca La Bella y la Bestia.
Música favorita: Rock alternativo como Green Day, Dishawalla, Nickelback, Radford, Yellowcard ...
Comida y bebida favorita: No vivo sin el arroz T_T y bebida agua.
Hobby: Hacer fotomanipulación (jugar con el photoshop), dibujar y soñar despierta xD
Series favoritas: Últimamente me gusta Kuroshitsuji, K-ON!, Toradora!, también me gusta Jigoku Shoujo.
Personajes manga-anime favoritos: Taiga Aisaka de Toradora, Ciel y Sebastian de Kuroshitsuji, Enma Ai de Jigoku Shoujo, Tifa de Final Fantasy, etc
Cuántos cosplays has hecho y de qué has hecho? 12 cosplays y son:
-Videl ( Dragon Ball Z)
-Shana ( Shakugan no Shana)
-Motoko Aoyama (Love Hina)
-Kikyou (InuYasha)
-Enma Ai (Jigoku Shoujo)
-Hazuki (Tsukuyomi Moon Phase)
-Mayoko Okino (Zone 00)
-Hizame Kuze (Fatal Frame 3)
-Mio Akiyama (K-On!) uniforme y traje del ending.
-Azusa Nagato (K-On!)
-Tenma Tsukamoto (School Rumble)
Y cuáles son tus favoritos?
Hazuki de Tsukiyomi Moon Phase, Enma Ai de Jigoku Shoujo y Mio Akiyama de K-On!
Cómo entraste al mundo del cosplay?
Una tarde estaba viendo imágenes de Negima y vi unas personas con trajes igual que los personajes, investigué y quise intentarlo.
Cuál fue tu primer cosplay?
Shana de Shakugan no Shana.
Alguna vez te han preguntado... Por qué haces cosplay?
Mi familia xD Puede ser que para los demás no les interese este hobby pero a mí me gusta y eso basta.
Siempre cuando haces cosplay, te sientes identificado con el personaje?
Sí! Muchas veces me siento identificada con lo físico y otras veces con el carácter y la forma de ser.
Siempre te apoyan con la idea del cosplay? Hay alguien que se opone?
Se opone rotundamente mi familia, pero creo que poco a poco les voy a lavar el cerebro xD
Has participado en concursos cosplay?
No, me da cosas subir al escenario. Pero para la próxima venceré mi temor y participaré!
La organización siempre es importante, cómo te organizas para hacer un cosplay?
Hago lo que puedo en el tiempo que tengo xD Es que nunca participo en los eventos que voy, sólo voy a divertirme y a pasear con mi traje, así que no tengo mucho de qué organizar.
Con qué materiales te gustan trabajar para hacer cosplay?
Pinturas acritelas, cartulinas, pistola de silicón, materiales que se puedan conseguir sin gastar mucho dinero.
Cuál es tu tela favorita?
Tela algodón. No sé mucho de telas tampoco T_T
Cuál fue tu ultimo cosplay? Háblanos sobre él.
El último que acabo de terminar : Ciel Phantomhive. Creo que invertí bastante en ese cosplay: Lentes de contacto, peluca, etc. Me re-encanta Kuroshitsuji *_*
Bueno, hasta ahora no he podido ponerme el pupilente, DIOX qué estresante! Yo quiero tomarme pic, pero sin el ojo azul no hay cómo T_T
Tienes alguna anécdota interesante que quieras compartir?
Ah, a los eventos que he ido, siempre me regresan a ver cuando anuncian "Bueno, que todos los participantes suban al escenario." y se preguntan por qué no participé xD
Una vez cuando me fui de Enma Ai, unas chicas dijeron "No es justo, por qué no participó la Ai? Se parecía un montón." xD
Has hecho cosplay en grupo? Cómo fue la experiencia de trabajar en grupo y en equipo?
No, pero deseo con muchas ganas poder hacer un grupal el 2010!
Cómo defines a un cosplayer?
Un ser humano que se viste, actúa como un personaje manga-anime, que sacrifica su tiempo, dinero y se esfuerza para realizar un cosplay, utilizando su punto máximo de creatividad.
Cuál es tu próximo proyecto?
Ciel in Wonderland está seguro. No sé si pueda llevar a cabo otros proyectos que tengo D:
Tu WishList :
Taiga Aisaka (Toradora) Ella es tan cool!
Tifa (Final Fantasy) No tengo tanta pechonalidad XDD
Un traje maid de He Is My Master, todavía no sé.
Qué mensaje o que les dirías a las personas que te leen en este momento y a las personas que no saben lo que es un cosplay?
Que no critiquen un hobby que no conocen, para muchas personas es un pasatiempo muy muy divertido y sano!
Hay algo que quieras agregar?
No, eso es todo :D
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep: Terra and Ventus
Both sent by Master Eraqus to seek out Master Xehanort and his cohort, Terra and Ven are the main protagonists of the Kingdom Hearts prequel, "Birth by Sleep". Terra bears a striking ressemblance to Todomarishi Shinsen from Kindom Hearts II Final Mix just as Ven does to Roxas.
Alright, readers who keep sending this in can please stop now! Terra is cosplayed by Courto and Ven is cosplayed by Akusesu from Deviant Art; photographed by Tony Quan. Really wonderful work! Great job guys!
Minggu, 27 Desember 2009
Drunk Santa of the Season!
Too Much Eggnog For Santa - Watch more Funny Videos
Oooopsies of the Day!
Little Kid Stuck Behind Sofa - Watch more Funny Videos
Christmas Video of the Year!
EIT HOLIDAY SPECIAL PART 6: Jesus! from Everything Is Terrible on Vimeo.
Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009
Strawberry Panic!: Okuwaka Tsubomi
This is probably the last unknown cosplay for the year. Wow, how long has it been since I started writing about cosplays? It's so nostalgic now that I think about it.
Anyway, pink haired girl with a black headband in an expensive looking school uniform... She's really pretty, and this is another image by photographer MPZero. I think I'll need to have sections for photographers too someday, but I have so many tags already that people might think it's confusing...
So! Any guesses? Please leave comments on this entry if you know who the cosplayer is or who she is cosplaying as!
EDIT: Thanks to FHead for commenting that she is Okuwaka Tsubomi from Strawberry Panic!
CBS, Paramount and Christie's win fan law suit in "Data Visor" case
This guy was everything wrong with our legal system. Someone who didn't read the rules, didn't do his research, blames the company who legitimately sold him the items, claims "emotional distress" and then sues for a ridiculous amount of money because some greedy lawyer sees a pay day. I certainly hope that his lawyer didn't take this on contingency so the plaintiff had to shell out tens of thousands of dollars for a losing cause.
I even contacted CBS and offered my help if they needed it for free, (And this was before Propworx) because I wanted to make sure people like this didn't suceed. If you don't do your homework, don't read the rules or the catalog, or overbid, that is your problem, not the auction house's.
Luckily, this guy lost his suit and you can read all about it here at Law.com.
The case was all over the news, but really a non-news story in my book because the guy had ZERO case. It was basically buyers remorse and a lack of research on his part that caused the problem, not anything that Christie's did.
The basis of his case is that Brent Spiner told Moustakis at the 2007 Las Vegas Star Trek Convention that the Visor he bought at Christie's was not the one he wore on-screen. But this was not news. Christie's had clearly spelled this out in the catalog and in the Auction Notes, where note # 633 read: "Please note that this should read 'made for' and not worn by."
You can read the entire description here on Christie's site too.
Moustakis also claimed that Christie's "had knowledge of hundreds, if not thousands of character duplicate uniforms that Paramount was warehousing."
Moustakis claimed the art house's promotional statements, along with the description of the uniform in the catalogue, led him to reasonably believe that the item was one of a kind. Well, I am not sure what he considers "reasonable" because neither I, nor anyone I knew, made that assumption.
In addition the court stated that the sales contract expressly stated that "all property is sold 'as is' without any representation or warranty of any kind by Christie's or the seller,".
What that means is if you want to buy movie props & costumes you need to do your homework. At a studio sale, the authenticity of an item is not in question, but the status of the item, i.e. screen used, production made, etc., needs to be carefully reviewed.