Let's take it from "breaking the law?"....
Gene- "yes! Breaking the law" " like I said" I wish Barry nothing but
the best but he is breaking the law" I replied with a smile "Barry is
my friend".
And with that statement, Gene made a hand signal and I was told by
security my time was up and to move along. I looked at Gene and
thanked him as I was escorted to the exit area.
The truth is I am almost 44. Kiss has always had a place in my life.
But at no other time has so much enthusiasm been re- transferred into
my Kiss obsession then after I saw Barrys Kiss Kostumes site in May
2009 What followed after that viewing on the net came... Alive 35
tickets. Sonic boom CDs. Alive 35 CDs. Simmons family jewels DVD and
now Kiss Komp book. How I see if it wasn't for Barrys passion. There
would be no passion from my end which means no need to acquire
anything "authorized by gene" which means less $$$ for gene. I can
honestly say Barry has contributed to a level of genuine sencerity
related to his craft that reflects what Gene Simmons has always
preached. " YOU WANTED THE BEST? YOU GOT THE BEST" no matter what
Gene may say or think, There are those like me that truly believe
Barry Carr has his own rightful place in KISSTORY. In time I really
believe so will Gene. Rock on Barry!!! Rock on..
Daniel Clements.
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